The Chronicle of Lady Seven

The story of Lady Seven echoes the timeless immigrant struggle—the ache of belonging nowhere, of forever feeling a stranger. It delves into personal identity, friendship, and the desperate pursuit of redemption, even against impossible odds.

Born into a lineage of powerful magic users, Joan remains devoid of any arcane talent, a shameful secret her family hid for years. Her humiliating revelation brings swift exile to the US – an opportunity to forget her magical past among those oblivious to its existence. Yet, guilt eats away at her. Stubborn and defiant, she returns to a world that neither wants nor cares about her. But Joan's resolve remains unshaken; she has friends to protect and worlds to save, even if she's the least likely hero.

Perhaps Joan was dealt the worst hand, she’s determined to beat the house.

Joan Wen

An early character design for Joan

Joan Wen was born an outsider in a world where everyone can cast spells with simple training. This enduring lack of magical ability would forge her into the ultimate underdog, the "anti-chosen-one." Yet, rather than resign herself to powerlessness, Joan resolves to save her imperiled world not with mystical force but with cunning, strategy, and an unwavering will.

She is a survivor, hardened by circumstance and relentlessly pragmatic. Joan possesses neither otherworldly powers nor conventional charm. Her weapons are her mind, her network of alliances, and a self-righteous conviction that occasionally veers into ruthlessness.


Hudson plays the part of the "bonded demon" to perfection – obedient, polite, and composed, with a hint of detached amusement in his eyes. But beneath the façade boils quiet contempt. Sure, he could end Joan with a flick of his wrist... then face the endless roulette of monstrous masters the Wen family would assign him. Better the devil you know? Perhaps. After all, he had been serving the useless woman since she was a gloomy child. What’s two more decades if she survives that long?

Yet, Joan's half-baked schemes to save the world hold a shred of morbid curiosity. The woman's persistence is at least more entertaining than the usual sniveling humans.

An early character design for Hudson

Book Plan

  • The story of Harriet, the Prodigy: how Joan reunited with Hudson, and together they “saved” Harriet Pan, the most talented mage of her time. (Planned)

  • The story of Zhi’Nv, the Forgotten: how Joan and Hudson reunited Zhi’Nv and her son. (Planned)

  • The Story of Selena, the Anchor: How Joan and Hudson guide Selena to her destiny. (Drafted)

  • The Story of Loriel, the traitor: How Joan and Hudson helped Loriel find himself. (Planned)

  • The Story of Yan Jian, the Rebel: How Joan and Hudson helped Yan Jian discover the secret of his parents. (Planned)

  • The Story of Hudson, the Guilty: How Joan’s plan of saving the world made everything worse. (Planned)

  • The finale. 相濡以沫,不若相忘于江湖